Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thing 14 - Tagging and Technorati

Tagging is a big part of many Web 2.0 tools. The tag when used well can make searching and finding information so much easier. I think the key is to use it and the more you tag and use tags the better you will become.

I was impressed with the interviews with the Technorati leadership and their goals. Very idealistic I must say. I don't see myself using Technorati often. It is a great idea to be able to locate blogs by keyword and search blogs. It is just the time issue. Do I have the time to look for more to read?

1 comment:

Grendel said...

I have realized that I am not consistent about tagging, even in my blog! :( I agree with you that tagging can make finding information a lot easier. I just have to remember to do it!